Our Chiropractic Methods:A diverse and flexible approachThe focus of chiropractic is to alleviate misalignments of vertebrae, which can impede the body’s nervous function and prevent the body from functioning properly. Because each patient is different, we take great pride in creating a unique treatment plan tailored
to the needs and goals of each individual. Every new patient is given a full examination prior to any treatment, along with a comprehensive X-ray and review of health history. Once we have a clear and specific view of the situation and your unique physiology, we can then work together to create a plan aimed at your individual needs. Whether you’re looking for relief and recovery for specific ailments, or you’re interested in improving your general health and well-being, Dr. Petrak can find an approach that works for you. |
Dr. Petrak was trained at the Palmer College of Chiropractic, the first chiropractic school created by the founder of chiropractic medicine in 1897.The Palmer Method involves the blending of several techniques:
1. GONSTEAD 2. DIVERSIFIED 3. THOMPSON 4. ACTIVATOR METHOD 5. SACRO-OCCIPITAL 6. TOGGLE RECOIL Once we have a clear and specific view of the situation and your unique physiology,